Eldora Community Website
Welcome to the Eldora Community Website
Sponsored by the Eldora Civic Association
Historical Photos 1 - click photo to see larger image
Eldora, Colo.
Dixie Lodge at Lake Eldora
Eldora with Blue Goose Mill (lower left hand corner)
Lost Lake from Revenge Mine
Eldora. White two-story building is schoolhouse, Mogul powerhouse in foreground
Eldorado Avenue, looking east
Looking west on Klondyke, Gold Miner on right
John I. Lilly, 1937
Talmadge & Lilly Stage at Calvert's stage stop at Boulder Falls
Eldora, Colo, 1920s
Eldorado Avenue, 1954
Looking North towards Rocky Ledge and Bungalog; Dellhaven right foreground
Yankee Doodle Lake, 1917
Arapahoe Peak
Gold Miner Hotel, Evelyn Lilly & Harold Lilly
Mrs Evelyn Lilly (Eldora's town clerk, Barbara Bolton's grandmother), Mrs Reb
Eldorado Ave looking east
Frenchie, about 1916
Fatty Mills, Kathryn Prebus (dark dress) postmistress of Eldora & Barbara (Lilly) Bolton's aunt
Stage in Boulder Canyon, July 1906
Donald C Kemp, father found Happy Valley, later El-Dora-Eldora
Joe Lasinsky
Eldora, CO 1948
Tallmadge & Lilly Stage, Harry White (Driver), Mrs.Carl Tallmadge, Miss Frances Jamison, Mrs. Dick Murdock, Bill Graham
Heavy Freighting in Boulder Canyon
Lee Evans and Don Kemp
Tallmadge and Lilly Stage
1st camp of Happy Valley Placer Co, on site of Penrose Lodge, 1892
1st Wolftongue Mill, Nederland, CO, 1899