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We present to you an archive of our town, a forum for your ideas, a place to post important happenings. A place to ask a question, post a recipe, to find out what the sirens were last night or to keep track of the progress of an emergency situation. A place to make a suggestion, find out about a meeting or tell everyone about your yard sale. A place for our town to come together.


ECA Board Members:

President: Randy Leever

Vice President: Liz McGuffee

Treasurer: Beth Davis

Recording Secretary: Melissa Bartlett

Member at Large: Matt Phillips 

2023 Upcoming Events:

Eldora Community Picnic - Sunday, July 23rd, 12:00 pm at the Eldora Fire House.

Happy Valley Happy Hours - Friday June 2nd, July 7th, August 4th, & September 1st at the 6th Street Bridge.

ECA Annual Meeting Saturday, August 19th, 1:00 pm outdoors on the 6th Street. Rain location TBD


Visit our forum, tell us what's going on.


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