Eldora Community Website
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Native Plants 4 - click photo to see larger image

Goodyera oblongifolia Rattlesnake plantain

Grindelia subalpina Gumweed

Grindelia subalpina Gumweed flower

Harbouria trachypleur Whiskbroom parsley

Helianthella quinquenervis Aspen sunflower

Helianthella quinquenervis Aspen sunflower habitat

Heliomeris multiflora Showy goldeneye

Heracleum sphondylium Cow parsnip

Heracleum sphondylium Cow parsnip flower

Heterotheca villosa Hairy_ lden aster

Heuchera parvifolia Common alum root

Hydrophyllum fendleri Fendler waterleaf

Ipomopsis aggregata Fairy trumpets

Iris missouriensis Rocky Mountain iris

Lepidotheca suaveolens Pineapple weed

Lewisia pygmaea Pygmy bitterroot

Ligularia bigelovii var hallii Bigelow senecio

Ligularia pudica Butterweed

Ligusticum porteri Osha

Ligusticum porteri Osha with beetle

Limnorchis stricta Green bog orchid

Lupinus argenteus Silvery lupine

Lysiella obtusata Oneleaforchid

Machaeranthera pattersonii Tansy aster

Maianthemum amplexicaule False solomon's seal

Maianthemum stellatum Star solomon plume

Mentha arvensis Field mint

Mertensia ciliata Tall chiming bells

Mertensia lanceolat Llance leaf chiming_bells

Micranthes rhomboidea Snowball saxifrage